Homer’s Odyssey – 2013 Q&A with Professor Cartledge

The parents of students at New York’s  Nightingale-Bamford School ran reading groups with the Reading Odyssey for the second year in a row.

These groups, which met in person in the evening at Nightingale, were run by parents and for parents. This year they read Homer’s Odyssey and in the attached podcast they have an end-of-book discussion with Reading Odyssey board member, Professor Paul Cartledge, Professor of Greek History and A.G. Leventis Chair of Greek Culture at Cambridge University.

After the success of these groups, Reading Odyssey has decided to further develop reading groups with parents of students at schools around the country (as well as through other organizations). We are currently working on plans for 2014 to start an annual reading of Homer’s Odyssey that would begin January 2014 and culminate in a global webinar with Professor Cartledge and other scholars.

More information on that initiative soon. Meantime, below is the podcast from May 13, 2013 with the parents of Nightingale students and Professor Cartledge.

2013 Homer Q&A with Professor Paul Cartledge


03. June 2013 by Phil Terry
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