Mark Casey (RO2)


I live in San Francisco with my wife Carrie, to whom I got married in January 2007.  For the last 7 years I have been working as an investment analyst at Capital Research and Management, a mutual fund management company.  I follow Internet and media and entertainment companies, and can somewhat plausibly say, when caught using eBay at work, that “this is part of my job.”  My main hobbies outside of work are (1) singing with the Richter Scales, a men’s a cappella singing group; (2) reading; and (3) navigating the treacherous waters of San Francisco’s real estate market.  Other salient resume points include my schooling (Yale ’92, HBS ’98) and prior employers (P&G ’92-95 and Siebel Systems ’98-00).

29. May 2007 by readingodysseyauthor
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