Joe Sundermeyer (T2008, A2008)


Joe Sundermeyer has worked at American Century Investments, an investment manager in Kansas City, since 1998 as a writer and now as managing editor/creative director for Prior to joining American Century Investments, he worked as a freelance writer and graphic designer, a photo editor at a large textbook company, and a reporter at a small town newspaper. By far his favorite job, however, was as a clerk at one of the first locations of a now-ubiquitous big-box bookstore whose name is not Barnes and Noble.

Joe is one of those lucky people who gets to do what he loves every day. But when he is not indulging his love of words and pictures, he’s spending time with his wife and four children, listening to music, reading, or running the trails and sidestreets of suburban Kansas.

15. October 2008 by Arrian
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