Flavorpill features Slow Art New York

Flavorpill featured Slow Art New York at the top of their weekly issue. 

Leah Taylor, managing editor, opened up the issue with this:

Stop and smell the… art? I’m all for taking a breather, for relaxing my power walk, but this week, Slow Art takes it to a whole new, sloth-like level, challenging MoMA visitors to spend anywhere from ten minutes to an hour on a single piece of art. It’s an intriguing experiment for us hurry-up-and-wait New Yorkers, and (I should think) a particularly difficult one — even for the most discerning and deliberate arthounds.

Thanks, Leah and the good folks at Flavorpill. See the current issue here.

Or see the screenshot here:


14. October 2009 by Arrian
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