“After Slow Food, (now there’s) Slow Art” by Yves Schaeffner, Quebec Elle

Quebec Elle just covered Slow Art Day. This is our first print press. 

The story is not available online. Here’s a picture and below a translation from the French.


English translation:

“After Slow Food, (now there’s) Slow Art”
by Yves Schaeffner
April 2010

Discretely, without making much noise, dozens and dozens of curious people participated last October 17th in the first event of Slow Art organized in 16 cities throughout the world.  The idea?  Meet up in a museum to admire a handful of works of art…  It is said that the average tourist waits (stands) a mere 8 seconds in front of a work of art, but these snails of art [love that] have committed to observing each one of a few chosen pieces for at least 10 minutes before discussing their experience in/as a group.  The organizer, New Yorker Phil Terry, hopes to have [50 to]100 cities participate at the second event on April 17th.  Will Montreal join in?  We hope so.  (Info: www.facebook.com/slowart…..)

12. March 2010 by Arrian
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