Herodotus Shows Up Again


I was on one of my weekly business flights and I picked up a Discover Magazine for some light reading during take-off and landing when I’m not allowed to use my electronic work gadgets.  I was reading an article on mummies that was fascinating and it turned out that the mummies they were digging up were of the Scythians!  The article then went on to reference Herodotus.  The interesting thing is that the evidence in these burial mounds supports the reports from Herodotus about the Scythians and their customs, including the sacrifices they did during funerals as well as their nomadic existence.  I found an online link to the article so here it is if you’re interested.


May you all become rich as Croesus.  ;-D


09. July 2008 by Arrian
Categories: Commentary, Herodotus | Tags: | 1 comment

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