Peter Krentz “The Battle Itself” – Marathon2500 Lecture #2

Professor Peter Krentz, W.R. Grey Professor of Classics and History, Davidson College, delivered on October 12, 2010 in front of a live audience at Georgetown University and around the world to the Reading Odyssey’s remote lecture network, the Marathon2500 Lecture #2: “The Battle Itself.” 

He asked how did the city-state of Athens defeat the invaders from Persia, the first world empire, on the plain of Marathon in 490 BCE? Beginning his analysis with the Athenians’ first formal contact with the Persians in 507 BCE, Krentz weaves together ancient evidence with travelers’ descriptions, archaeological discoveries, geological surveys, and the experiences of modern reenactors and soldiers to tell his story.

Listen to the podcast of his lecture, “The Battle Itself”, here: 
View the slides that accompanied his lecture here:

About Marathon2500

With the support of several of the world’s best Hellenic scholars and sports historians, Marathon2500 commemorated the 2,500-year anniversary of the Battle of Marathon with nine lectures between September 2010 and September 2011 on the cultural, intellectual and athletic legacy of the battle. Delivered before live audiences, webcast online and archived for listening on demand, Marathon2500 was a program of the Reading Odyssey chaired by Professor Paul Cartledge, A.G. Leventis Chair of Greek Culture at Cambridge University. To multiply the impact around the world, the Reading Odyssey worked with libraries, community centers, universities, colleges, high schools, museums and sports organizations to create satellite listening centers (see more about the remote lecture network here).

Marathon2500 Podcast Library 

Professor Paul Cartledge and the Reading Odyssey have preserved the Marathon2500 lecture series in podcast format for readers, students and scholars. 

To access the whole library, click here:

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Peter Krentz Biography

Davidson College 
Box 6973 
Davidson, NC 28035-6973 

Peter Krentz is W.R. Grey Professor of Classics and History, Davidson College, where he has taught Greek and Roman history since 1979.

Recent publications include:

The Battle of Marathon. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010. ISBN: 9780300123851.
“A Cup by Douris and the Battle of Marathon,” in New Perspectives on Ancient Warfare, ed. Garrett G. Fagan and Matthew F. Trundle (Leiden: Brill, 2010). 183-204. ISBN: 9789004185982.
“Marathon, Battle of,” in Michael Gagrin and Elaine Fantham, eds.,Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome, vol. 4 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010) 339-340.
“The Athenian Treaty in Theopompos F 153,” Phoenix 63 (2009): 1-8.
Look for:
“Hoplites,” “Kallimachos,” “Marathon,” and “Miltiades” forthcoming in The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, ed. R. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C. Champion, A. Erskine and S. Huebner (London: Wiley-Blackwell, anticipated 2011).

13. October 2010 by Phil Terry
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