Tag Archives for Homer

The American Conservative Blogs The Odyssey–And Likes It

Rod Dreher, a former columnist for the Dallas Morning News and author of one of the longest-titled books in publishing history, has been blogging his journey reading Robert Fagles’ translation of The Odyssey with his older son. We here at the Read… Continue reading

24. September 2012 by Arrian
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The Music of the Proper Names in Homer – A Guide to Pronunication

James Romm, Professor of Classics at Bard College, friend and board member of Reading Odyssey, provides in this podcast a guide to prononuncation in Homer. This short podcast is intended for anyone reading Homer and especially for Reading Odyssey … Continue reading

27. December 2011 by Phil Terry
Categories: Commentary, Commentary, Homer-Iliad, Homer-Odyssey | Tags: , , , | Comments Off on The Music of the Proper Names in Homer – A Guide to Pronunication

Homer 2010 kicks off

The first 2010 section of Homer’s Odyssey kicks off tonight with Pat Wictor moderating.Pat is a co-founder of the Reading Odyssey and an acclaimed singer-songwriter.Pat’s website is here:http://www.patwictor.comAnyone can follow the progress of th… Continue reading

19. January 2010 by Arrian
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